Every diamond is as unique as a fingerprint and a natural work of beauty. Even if a diamond appears comparable to the unaided eye, the majority of them will differ somewhat in the four essential qualities, or the 4Cs:

Cut, Color, Clarity, & Carat

These factors impact the diamond's worth and rarity, in addition to its level of brilliance. Captivated by the shimmer? Be at ease! To help you choose the ideal diamond for your requirements, we are here to guide you through the world of diamonds.


What is Diamond Clarity?

The minuscule imperfections present in a diamond's exterior and interior are measured in terms of clarity. Blemishes are visible imperfections, while inclusions are internal faults. The majority of inclusions are invisible to the unaided eye, so they don't significantly affect a diamond's aesthetic appeal.

Inclusions are sometimes referred to by gemologists as "internal characteristics" as opposed to defects. It's also important to remember that the highest clarity grades correspond to the priciest prices for diamonds with the fewest and smallest inclusions.

Diamond Clarity Chart

From flawless (F) or internally flawless (IF) to included (I1), there is a chart that shows the clarity of diamonds. Customers may navigate and select the best diamond within their budget with the aid of the diamond clarity chart. Always keep in mind that a diamond with better quality will have more sparkle.


Coupled With Corresponding Colour Grades

VVS - Very Very Slightly Included

Even at this grade, inclusions are still present but very difficult for a knowledgeable gemologist to notice under intense magnification. It will appear to be a gorgeous, dazzling diamond to the unaided eye, yet nothing at all.

VS- Very Slightly Included

A skilled gemologist may easily see many tiny inclusions in a diamond with a clarity grade of VS. Although the inclusions are still extremely tiny at this grade, depending on the stone's form, they may start to show up to the unaided eye.

S1- Slightly Included

A SI-grade diamond will have inclusions that can easily be noted under magnification. In most cases, there will be several inclusions and blemishes grouped together in different spots. The inclusions will be visible to the naked eye, depending on the diamond shape, angle, and light.


What Is Diamond Color?

Needless to say, just like all of the 4Cs, a diamond's color is one important consideration to take into account when shopping for diamonds. In this piece, we will explain what a diamond's color really is and which diamond color is perfect for engagement rings. Color refers to the tinge of color that you get in white diamonds; most diamonds show a subtle hint of yellow.

The whiter your diamond is, the more light will pass through it to create more sparkle. The diamond industry adopted an alphabetical color scale from D to Z, with D being the highest grade. As you go down the scale, the diamond starts to develop a yellow or brown tint.

Diamond Color Chart

One should always keep in mind that when purchasing diamond jewelry, whether it be an engagement ring, pendant, earrings, or bracelet, the individual must buy a diamond that looks as clear as possible for them.

This can also depend on things like the setting and the style. In order to grade the color of a diamond, one will use the Gemmological Institute of America color scale, which defines what color a diamond really is. This is a scale showing the progress of color as one progresses down the table, with D being colorless and Z being light yellow to brown.


Here is A Definitive Color Guide From D to I in Three Distinctive Groups.

D - E

Those are the higher grades of color, while the diamond is almost colorless. These diamonds are the rarest and represent a higher price range.

F - G

These are rated as colorless. While there could be slight tips of color, they will be nearly impossible to perceive with the naked eye. It is considered the best value for its money.

H - I

These are also classified as near-colorless; however, the hints of color might be stronger than the previous group. If you are looking for a piece with a smaller budget, H and I are a good compromise on the price.


What is Carat?

Diamonds do not have a size, like a shoe or dress, but are weighed in carats. For instance, one carat is the same as 0.2 g; therefore, the higher the carats, the bigger the diamond will many times be; however, cut influences the size that the gem will appear to be. The carat weight can have a different look for different diamond shapes, and although the carat weight of the diamond can affect the price of the diamond, two diamonds of the same weight will not be equal in value and might even look like two different sizes.

A diamond could be a higher carat without being visibly bigger, and two diamonds of the same carat weight can be different sizes because one has been cut more thinly than the other. In other words, it should be noted that carat weight does not equal size, but here you can get a general idea of what size you should expect.

Is a Higher Diamond Carat Better?

Even though carats help to fix a diamond’s cost, a higher carat doesn’t necessarily mean a better-quality diamond. Heavier gemstones are scarcer than minute diamonds; consequently, the cost of the stones increases with the weight of the stone. But price is also affected by clarity, and to many people, the quality of the gemstone is more important than its size.

The cut of a diamond also plays a major factor in its quality; a poor-cut diamond will even appear to be smaller than a diamond of a better cut, even though they weigh the same. same.    But before you start ringing the stores for that special diamond ring you want, there is more than meets the eye than just the carat and the shape of the diamond.


Explore Our Comprehensive Range of Diamond Carat Weights


(0.20 - 0.50 CARATS)

Tiny and unobtrusive, small-carat diamonds are ideal for people who like things to be a little on the discreet side. Great for fine jewelry


(0.51 - 1.50 CARATS)

Medium-carat diamonds are also more preferable when it comes to engagement rings and conventional jewelry, though they are larger than the low carat ones.



These diamonds are selected for specific events like occasions, ceremonies, big functions, and other such events because they are symbols of luxury at their very best, and the effect created is very high.


What is Diamond Cut?

Diamond cut therefore pertains to the shape and size of the diamonds and how the facets of the diamond are placed. It is how the material of the diamond responds to light that influences the brilliance, fire ignition, and appearance of the structure. The cut grade is a very important characteristic that affects the light performance of diamonds and, therefore, their brilliance and desirability.

Another is the cut of a diamond, and therefore, a diamond with a poor cut is actually going to look comparably smaller than a diamond with a much better cut but of the same weight. Who knew there was more to choose than just the ‘carat’ and the'shape’ of the diamond ring?

How are Diamond Cut?

In preparation for the actual cutting process, several plans for contouring the lots are necessary in order to determine the best shape that the plan can have given its quality. The diamond-cutting expert will then cleave the rough diamond into smaller parts using diamond-tipped saws or lasers while attempting not to harm the stone in any way.

These pieces are then turned into the desired shape by efficiently placing one on the spinning axle alongside the other and rubbing them. This can easily take hours, and only when the meticulous process is done is the work set into motion and completed. After that, the diamond has to undergo polishing so that it has a smooth surface that can reflect light and give out the brilliance of the gem. Once the diamond has been polished and its brilliance and fire determined, it is taken to gemologists, who will then certify it according to the 4Cs.

We Offer Standard & Custom Cuts

They are Typically Grouped into several Popular Styles.


Marquise Cut

Cushion Cut

Round Cut

Oval Cut


Baguette Cut

Asscher Cut

Emerald Cut

Radiant Cut


Princess Cut

Radiant Cut

Heart Cut

Pear Cut