What are Lab Grown Diamonds?

Science of Lab Grown Diamonds

Lab grown diamonds, also referred to as manufactured diamonds, lab cultured diamond and Lab-created or synthetic diamonds are genuine diamonds which share the same physical, chemical & optical properties with a natural mined one -impossible to decipher. These diamonds have the same physical, chemical and optical properties as natural diamonds but are made using advanced technological processes.

Why Are Lab-Grown Diamonds So Popular?

Ethical Sourcing and Sustainable Solutions

Ethical and Sustainable – Lab grown diamonds are an ethical choice, with no conflict issues usually associated with mined diamonds. They are simply produced and have a low environmental impact, so you will definitely make good choices by selecting them.

Superior Quality- lab-groheartwn diamonds are chemically and optically identical to natural diamond. All possess the identical hearth, scintillation, and brightness that you recognize in great treasure.

Best value: Lab-grown diamonds tend to be 20–30% less expensive than natural diamonds of the same quality. This allows you to go for a bigger or higher quality diamond within your budget.

Cutting-edge and New: Go to days ahead with lab created diamonds that show the next generation of gemological tech. For the people who love modern luxury and innovation — it is suitable for them.

The Creation Process

There are 2 major methods by which lab-grown diamonds​​are created. They are high pressure, high temperature (HPHT), and chemical vapor deposition. This process results in authentic, as well as beautiful, diamonds and duplicates the natural conditions under which they are formed.beautiful.

CVD (Chemical Vapor Deposition) Diamonds

The process of creating lab-grown diamonds commences with a delicate slice of diamond seed, which is carefully positioned within a sealed chamber and exposed to high temperatures.

Carbon-rich gases are subsequently introduced into the chamber, leading to the fusion of carbon with the diamond seed, resulting in the birth of a new diamond. Following this, the rough diamond undergoes precise cutting to meet stringent standards. Ultimately, the outcome is a diamond boasting identical chemical composition to that of a naturally occurring one.

HPHT (High Pressure, High Temperature) Diamonds

In the initial step, a diamond seed is carefully positioned within a specialized press, where the growth chamber is subjected to temperatures ranging from 1300 to 1600°C, while the pressure applied exceeds 870,000 pounds per square inch.

Molten metal is utilized to dissolve the carbon source, facilitating the growth of a small diamond seed crystal as carbon atoms stimulate its development. Following cultivation, the lab-grown diamond undergoes meticulous cutting to meet stringent standards. Ultimately, the outcome is a diamond boasting identical chemical composition to that of a naturally occurring one.

Benefits of Lab Diamonds

Ethical and Sustainable

Lab diamonds are a responsible choice since they are grown with precise technology that involves no mining.

Superior Quality

Lab grown diamonds have the same physical, chemical, and optical properties as mined diamonds.

Best value

Lab grown diamonds offer excellent value — so you can maximize your budget.

Comparison Guide


Lab Grown Diamonds

1. Manufactured under controlled conditions using HPHT (high-pressure, high-temperature) or CVD (chemical vapour deposition) techniques, depending on the method used.
Replicates the natural diamond formation process, only faster (weeks to months).

2. You can inspect the crystal, and chemical composition, of our diamonds with powerful magnifying instruments. In addition, they are equally firm (IO on the Mohs scale), have the identical refractive index, and, very nearly, have the same density.

3. With the naked eye, there is at least no obvious difference; it is unclear whether any differences will be visible under magnification by specialists.

4. Available in a variety of colors, including some not found in nature. In general, lab-grown diamonds cost 20–40% less than comparable natural diamonds.
Poorer resale value as compared with natural diamonds.

5. It leaves a smaller carbon footprint and causes less environmental disruption than diamonds obtained through mining.
Free from concerns regarding blood or conflict diamonds.

6. Is certified by the same gemological labs that also certify natural diamonds (e.g., GIA, IGI).
Laser inscription on the girdle to signify the diamond's origins as lab-grown.

7. Enjoying increasing popularity due to a combination of affordability, environmental considerations, and ethical considerations.
The growing consensus among younger consumers of lab-grown diamonds.

Natural Diamonds

1. Formed over billions of years in the mantle of the earth at very high pressures and temperatures. Is brought to the surface through volcanoes. Naturally occurring carbon crystals.

2. They show the same physical properties as cultured diamonds, so they are impossible for the unaided eye to tell apart from them.

3. Naturally occurring carbon crystals. They show the same physical properties as cultured diamonds, so they are impossible for the unaided eye to tell apart from them.

4. The higher price is due to their rarity and natural origin.
Better resale value and is often seen as a long-term investment.

5. Cooperative mining has a big impact on both the environment and ethical issues related to labor practices. Efforts are being made towards assuring ethical production, such as the Kimberly Process Certification Scheme.

6. Is certified by major gemological institutions.
Unique inclusions and stones' growth patterns can be used to establish the point of origin for identification purposes.

7. Is certified by major gemological institutions.
Unique inclusions and stones' growth patterns can be used to establish the point of origin for identification purposes.

Cost of Lab-Grown Diamonds

Lab-grown diamonds present a compelling advantage over mined diamonds in terms of cost-effectiveness. Unlike mined diamonds, lab-grown counterparts offer exceptional value for money as they are not subject to the considerable markup often imposed on mined diamonds.

Throughout history, deceptive advertising has perpetuated the notion that a larger diamond signifies stronger love. The diamond industry has a track record of exploiting consumers, with today's culture still adhering to this belief. Consequently, mined diamonds continue to be marked up by at least 100% or more. Fortunately, lab-grown diamonds do not carry such exorbitant markups. When purchasing a lab-grown diamond, you are solely paying for the lab creation process, making them a more affordable option without compromising on quality.

Lab Grown Diamonds

1. What is a lab-grown diamond?

A man made diamond is a type of synthetic diamond that's grown in a lab through replication processes under facsimile conditions — high pressure and temperature.

2. Why are synthetic or lab-grown diamonds produced?

High-Pressure High-Temperature (HPHT): This method simulates the high pressure, high temp conditions experienced during natural diamond origin. A small seed diamond is then placed in carbon, which crystallizes under high pressure and temperature around the original stone, creating a larger diamond.
CVD (Chemical Vapor Deposition): The CVD process involves placing a diamond seed in a carbon-rich gas-filled chamber. The gas is turned into plasma, which separates the carbon molecules only to be deposited into diamonds seed one molecule at a time.

3. Real Diamond: Are lab-grown diamonds real?

Yes, lab-grown diamonds are real. They possess similar physical, chemical and optical properties to those of a natural diamond. They are different only in where they come from.

4. Lab diamond vs real diamond?

The lab-grown diamonds cannot be distinguished from a Gem. Measuring growth patterns and trace elements, detecting the differences using equipment available to very few researchers in the world require experts with years of training.

5. Are lab-grown diamonds more affordable than natural mined ones?

Lab-created diamonds typically are 20–40% less expensive than natural stones of the same size and quality. They have a more controlled production process compared to bio-based materials, and less time is needed to produce them: this keeps consumer prices low.

6. Are lab-grown diamonds a good investment?

The resale value of lab diamonds is generally lower than that of natural diamonds. A major factor of the worth is based on market need and rarity.

7. How Eco-friendly Are Lab-grown Diamonds?

Compared to natural diamonds, lab grown varieties are believed to be kinder on the environment. The production process is less damaging to the environment and other factors since we do not need mining of these minerals, which results in a lot of disturbance for nature.

8. The ethical question of lab-grown diamonds

Because lab-grown diamonds are manufactured and not mined, their creation is also devoid of the sorts of ethical issues that tend to follow around traditional ""blood"" or conflict-zone-area stones.

9. Are lab-grown diamonds certified?

Bio Processed diamonds are certified by major gemological labs (GIA and IGI) Certifications outline every key quality characteristic of the diamond, which includes its cut, color and clarity.

10. Are lab-created diamonds suitable for engagement rings and other luxury fashion jewelry?

Absolutely. With lab-grown diamonds being the preferred choice these days for engagement rings, wedding bands and other fine jewelry. These lab-created options provide the same beauty and strength as that of a natural diamond, but for less.

11. How are the color and clarity grades of laboratory-grown diamonds?

Lab-created diamonds are subject to the same standards and grades as natural ones. They go from D (colorless) to Z, light yellow or brown in color and FL (flawless), I3 included for clarity.

12. Do lab-grown diamonds come in fancy colors?

This means blue, yellow and pink lab-grown diamonds can all be produced in fancy colors already because they were formed this way by including some trace element during growth.

13. How to keep my lab diamond?

Treat your lab diamond as you would any natural diamond. It will shine every time you clean it with a moderate soap solution and gentle brush. It should be cleaned and inspected by professionals on a regular basis to keep it sparkling, as well as searched for any setting issues.

14. Who sells lab-grown diamonds?

Many reputable jewelers offer lab-grown diamonds both at the store and over the internet. Retailers that offer certification and clarity on their such journeys.

15. Is investing in lab-grown diamonds worth it?

Although lab-grown diamonds provide great value based on quality, they are not viewed as long-term investments such as natural counterparts. They are prized for their beauty, relative affordability and ethical benefits more than investment potential.